How Can Someone Find Top SEO Companies Without Spending A Lot of Money?

The truth: there is not one SEO company that is going to be cheap. Those that are not to be trusted because their products and services are not going to help. In other words, they are cheap for a reason.
However, a person can find top SEO companies for an affordable price. How can someone find these affordable SEO companies and not get scammed in the process?
Some examples with company boss Steve
1) Clarity
Steve has to be very clear in what he is after. What areas online does Steven want to improve? Steven will have a much easier time finding a great SEO company once he figures out those questions.
One thing Steve can do is get a digital analysis done. A digital analysis helps those who have a hard time figuring out where they need to improve.
2) Tracking Steven
Tracking does not have to be a bad thing, necessarily. Steven has to figure out how to use that tool in the right way. Steven needs something will keep track of his user data, not to mention when and how much his products are selling. Numbers can be very misleading at times. The numbers may say that Steven’s sales have increased, but the inventory says something else.
Steven should also make a firm decision based on logic and proven results. Steven should disregard his gut for this choice. Sometimes a gut choice can be wrong. Steven needs to see the results in front of him.
3) The Reviews Are In
Reviews are something else that Steven should be paying attention to. Steven needs to Google online reviews like Yelp and Glassdoor. Reviews can say a lot, including bad reviews. Some people like to disregard bad reviews because most of them are too negative. There is some valid criticism within a bad review. There are case studies and testimonials available online that showcase bad reviews too. It is better to hear all sides of the story before making a choice.
4) Sit Down
Steven needs to sit down with every person and firm he is interested in. Steven could have a great conversation on the phone, but it means nothing without seeing the person in person.
Set aside some time and talk to the person. Find out where their expertise lies. Steven could be talking to a guy whose expertise lies in a different area. That is not going to do Steven much good when he hires him.
5) The Budget
Steven needs to set aside a preliminary budget before he agrees to anything. A person is more likely to spend money on things they cannot afford when they do not have a budget to work with.
It is similar to Steven going food shopping on an empty stomach. He is going to be hungry and he is more likely to buy on impulse. Steven needs to eat before he goes shopping for an SEO firm.
6) The Secret Sauce
Forget about the “secret sauce.” There is no “secret sauce”. Some companies are going to try to sell Steven on their “recipe” for SEO success. Steven does not want a “pitch.” He wants proven results. Steven should be looking at companies that can provide the results he needs.
Those who carry a “secret sauce pitch” are selling something, and it is not a good track record. Falling for a pitch is a true recipe for disaster.